Help the general public understand the mission statement of the organization, as well as address the privacy concerns of data collection for use in social welfare programs. Design a visual language and style for motion effects as a pilot for future animation series.
Building on top of a previous branding project for the Children's Data Network, I met with stakeholders to understand the timeline and overall concept, working backwards to estimate milestone dates towards a final conference launch date. Working with the client to finalize a script for a 2 minute long animation, I recruited and led a small team with additional voice-acting and motion design talent to continue to iterate for our clients. The final animation focuses on the flow of information and communicates the care used for sensitive data.
The animation was completed a week ahead of schedule, and previewed for client sponsors. Positive feedback at the conference where the video was publicly shared and marketing value to the organization led to securing funding for two additional animations.
Children's Data Network | University of Southern California